Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hillary's Options.. there aren't many

This past week has been the most difficult and torturous for Barack. The ugly head of racial divide had to come up eventually, and did it ever. Thanks to Rev Wright, we were all dragged into this. Barack replied with a valiant effort in his "More perfect Union" speech. (you can read that analysis on this blog as well)Luckily for Obama the Passport scandal and Bill, no the other Bill--Mr. Richardson came to his rescue.

Now with all these problems you would think that Hillary Rodham Clinton would gain steam and be able to make a stronger case for her nomination. However, this week saw her options narrow significantly for a number of reasons:

1. Florida and Michigan for all intents and purposes will not be doing a re-vote. This will block here only chances of leading in the delegate or the popular vote when the last primary ends in June in Puerto Rico.

2. It is a generally accepted reality that team Hillary will not be able to deliver a 2/3 win in each of the next primaries to take the delegate and popular vote race.

3. 'Stealing' the election by swaying the super delegates to vote for her despite her lack of the necessary votes purely on the non-objective measure "elect-ability"

So, with all this what CAN, she do? Here are some ideas:

1. She can hope for the Wright scandal to only spread making Obama seem Un-American, Un Patriotic and make people wonder where his true allegiances lie.

2. She can find more Rev Wrights lurking from Obama's past

3. Risk a melt down in the Democratic party by further dividing the delegates.

At the end this bring up a interesting quote, Mark Penn told reporters after the Texas and Ohio wins that "Time is our friend". All I can say is that time is a friend in the same way Gov Bill Richardson is a friend.

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