Friday, March 28, 2008

Hillary's new Top Ten

I try not to burst out laughing how the Billary campaign comes out with daily 'revised' benchmarks as a basis for the super delegates to vote for the Democratic nominee. I thought I would throw in a several more. Here is the Top Ten list:

10. Super delegates should vote for the candidate who has won the most votes in states beginning with letters A thru N

9. Super delegates should vote for the candidate who win with the most votes from voters whose names end in -ez, like ramirez or cortez.

8. The candidate with higher concentration of voters per pledged delegate.

7. The candidate whose age comes closest to McCain's age of 71.

6. The candidate who has been under the most instances of sniper fire and got out alive to tell the story

5. The candidate who has the most experience living in The White House

4. The candidate with the most votes from folks over 60 , as older folks have more experience voting.

3. The candidate with the most votes from Americans who originally came from Mexico.

2. The candidate with the most qualified spouse.

And finally # 1: the candidate who is most white

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